This guy's semi enjoyable and liked his explanation about Walt's reasoning for this whole job stacking thing. In a way, I agree with the mindset that led to the conclusion but I find the conclusion utterly distasteful and LARPY.

The second thing, about women going through puberty earlier, in my mind, I don't think it's entirely complicated. I may leave the realm of science here as that's not my focus. I'd have to do some research on what causes puberty or the reason for it. That being said, for a spitball theory:

The modern west is inundated with sex. I think the South Park episode centering the Jonas Brothers and Disney from awhile back encapsulates this perfectly and is a representation of the inherent disgust I had with figures like Justin Bieber growing up. The modern young girl is sold sex as an idea they don't understand but a feeling that doesn't require understanding. The promiscuity accepted as the norm leads to a competition hyper-fixated on beauty in the sultry sense. A bikini the norm, which is a bra and panties, for swimwear. Literally little girls and grown woman running around in their undergarments.

Mass internet and mass media increased this competition. Tik-Tok is full of very young girls obsessing over skin care routines, make-up products, and look maxing at the age of 8. Their clothes are meant to be tight, revealing, and tempting. Of course, they don't understand what they're doing as they haven't gotten the biological urge to procreate at the time. But when they activate that hormonal response to stimulate the brain, their bodies will naturally speed up the process towards that idea.

So, mixed with a bunch of material wealth and nutrition, combined with a hormonal response to external sexual stimuli, the body gets a little drop in a bucket till it overflows. One could look at this like their first blood. Innocence is lost and their body responds to what it seems it must do: Procreate.

Obviously, I'm leaving out empirical sources here, but I'm very confident this is the case. I don't think it's the chemicals in the water entirely, but I'm sure that's partially responsible. The Hyper-feminization of society, with birth control being the norm, clearly has an impact on men's testosterone levels. As above, so below, and the feminine sexual anima seems to be wanton sex of the bonobo sort.

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So my guess is that girls are reaching puberty earlier due to the increasing lack of fathers in their lives. Some studies evidence a connection. It would be an adaption to a more dangerous ecology or r selected, thus a fast life history adaption. Historically if you didn't have a father it would be due to violence. I think I remember Molyneux making something like this argument a long time ago. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-90579-8


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That's an interesting angle. My friend Sai has been looking that this issue extensively for a number of years, and has determined the issue is fundamentally endocrine.


Quite possible that the presence of a father figure during certain developmental milestones has an effect on the endocrine profile of pubescent and pre-pubescent girls.

Would be difficult to design a study that doesn't conflate a ton of co-occurring causes. And also our current institutional landscape probably wouldn't fairly evaluate such a proposal.

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The lack of Fathers may lead to my point as well...

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