May 22Liked by Daniella Pentsak

you're on to something - but I hope you have far more than this to say. Do you?

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I received your email on expanding on the GQ. I certainly will plan to sit down and make a more, well thought out article on this issue.

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May 22Liked by Daniella Pentsak

Brilliant analysis!

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Thank you so much!

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Modesty in a cemetery is not generational. Coctail Parties? My car is 11 years old. Simplistic stereotypes. I'm sorry you're lonely, but overthrowing boomer values won't help. Retired union member that worked, God forbid, a 40 hour week, attended church, all without being glued to a phone.

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Still waiting for those kinds of people to actually throw Democrats in prison.

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This is why I keep repeating, GOP messaging mistakes Biden for Carter (they are both practically dead), as if it is still 1980. Taxes! Immigration! Crime! It is about as nuanced as a club to the head. Without Trump the GOP would hardly even be a party.

RINOs in Congress are some of the worst, naked kleptocrats and warpigs happy to be in the minority, all the easier to fleece America.

Do we want our children to be transed against our will? Do we want 50 million military aged men crossing the border 2025-2028? The Federal government has effectively doubled in size since 2020, that is a fundamental threat to America. What about Covid btw, that was the worst fraud ever perpetrated and there has been zero accountability. Any of you fuckers notice how every crisis is an excuse to print trillions for billionaires to buy up the wreckage of the economy with? You do get that your economic policy is destroying the dollar and America's hegemony, right?

WTF with your respectability, GOP.

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Too many boomers want to be liked, invited to parties, to continue a lavish lifestyle on donor/tax payer dollars, and, more importantly, too many young people refuse to organize a hostile takeover movement against the genocrats. All the time we hear “We’ll wait for the boomers to die.”

Why wait when we can win?

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Few are articulating that in a way most can understand.

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The refusal of the old to relinquish power and wealth to the young is a tale that goes back to Babylon.

The world has changed, yes there are things from the past that are worth preserving but current problems require current solutions, sometimes through innovation and sometimes by rediscovering old ideas and practices and applying them to today.

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Conservatives are seemingly cognitively hard wired, to simply A.) not grasp the reality of the problem, and or B.) Not be able to adequately come up with the most effective and necessary solution for it, and have the gumption to thoroughly meet it out effectively. Absolutely, deeply internalized, or just inherently hard wired impotence.

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