"Mong" is British slang for the "r" word.

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“Mongoloid” was used in the past to refer to downies

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Aug 22Liked by Daniella Pentsak

This is very learned and well researched, Daniella. Related to your post, Western men are suffering from declining testosterone levels, increasing passivity, and decreasing achievement. Fewer men than women are going to college and fewer men than women are completing college. Meanwhile in countries like Iran, we find beautiful women and masculine men. I fear for the future of the West.

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There is a great shift happening in the Western world, no doubt. How do you think we solve this? Prevent women from attaining higher education?

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Women shouldn’t be kept from higher education. One problem for women and men is that marriage is delayed until after college or graduate school, followed by time spent playing the field, as it were. This has been a disaster for society. Most people are ill equipped emotionally or physically to still be single approaching 30.

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A while back I wrote an article which I think you might find useful. The Longhouse has fallen out of favor as the reality of violence in the Neolithic has become more apparent and DNA studies have found that these cultures were patrilineal.


This is unlike the longhouses we know exist, like in the Americas, where matrilineality is common and the “clan mother” elects a patriarch of the tribe. There’s certainly no evidence of polyandry in Neolithic Europe. And Gimbutas acknowledged that late Neolithic groups were already “kurganized” explaining their patristic features.

I wouldn’t say we’re approaching a “monghouse”. Maybe an Imamhouse… People like Andrew Tate and whatnot. monghouse cultures are in many ways the antithesis of the longhouse, but they aren’t the most patriarchal. I think there’s a horseshoe effect where the most patriarchal cultures are sort of longhoused because they just end up being gerontocracies of local elders. Afghanistan, Arab World, Muslim Africa all like this. Pederasty and the fucking of fat women is also a common vice of these cultures, albeit the more monghousey Turks are also famous pederasts. It’s these arid farming mountain cultures with communitarian families. You know, men kill each other for looking at their sister or mother. Honor culture to the extreme.

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I might have to read

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Although it is true that examples of the Den Mother are hard to find in cultures where Longhouse-like structures are actually found, the broader archetype of the emasculating female is more common.

Take, for example, the culture of the Great Mother Cybele, where gelding male acolytes was a culminating rite. This cult was far from a fringe religion, having gained popularity both in Greece and in Rome after the Punic Wars.

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William FaHsne ajn. Anal iwowwb. Pe is

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deletedAug 22Liked by Daniella Pentsak
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That is an interesting theory - perhaps women who struggle with penis envy would be compelled to engage with the 'Longhouse' and vise versa with the men, this is very much possible!

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Phallic women? That’s the donghouse.

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deletedAug 22
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